Auto append JS or any additional markup that is required to provide utility. Eg. popup print dialog after images loaded
This allows release updates to update/add utility functions to all templates, including custom override templates
Use common markup and styles
All templates have access to company logo and info (previously restricted to ‘pick ticket’)
General presentation improvements
Updated Switch Order Status Behavior
If order status changes to one that does not allow picking (pro VOC users only), the picker will reset and:
show status changed message
focus scanner on the order id input
rescanning the same order will give invalid order status message along with the currently active status name
If order status changes to one that does allow picking
show status changed message
focus scanner on the product sku input
When picker updates to 100% complete
a status change can occur
this does not trigger the same event as OSC barcode scan. So even if a status change occurs and that status does not allow picking, the picker will not reset for the user. This allows them to confirm the final pick state and use any of the button/actions on screen before exiting.