WooCommerce PickingPal Pro Changelog | Archive

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2021.12.26 – version (Pre-release available upon request)

  • Hide admin tabs (settings, license) for non-admin users

2021.11.10 – version (Not Available)

  • Implement addtional issues related to support for Custom Order Number plugins

2021.11.03 – version Available)

Fix issues related to support for Custom Order Number plugins

2021.10.24 – version (Not Available)

  • Fixed issue related to Product view filters
  • Fixed intermittent duplicate picking log bug
  • Implemented fix for CSV export

2021.07.06 – version 2.2.1 (Not Available)

  • Fix bugs related to upgrading from v2.1.0
  • Fixed Additional SKU support
  • Implemented fix for isolated race condition

2021.03.20 – version 2.2.0 (Not Available)

  • Update compatibility information
  • Introduced Visibility Settings display toggles in Advanced Settings tab
  • Introduced Activity Detail Log
  • Added ability to show/hide Customer Provided Note on Pick Ticket, Pick List, and Pick window
  • Introduced Pick Reset override barcode
  • Added secondary switch order status after picking order transition
  • Added ability to switch order status via barcodes
  • Fixed pick scan bug
  • Fixed log bugs
  • Fixed export field selection bug
  • Fixed digital products pick link
  • Fixed support for Product Bundles
  • Slight rewording on: override barcodes, API key not activated message

2020.03.29 – version 2.1.0 (Currently Available)

  • Improvements to server calls
  • Minor UI updates: order status + pick reset
  • CSV Export fix
  • Fix and enhance sort by warehouse location
  • Fix for certain multi-site installations
  • Moved scan/pick logs to new table – will auto-convert on install
  • Ability to set valid order statuses for picking to prevent picking cancelled or unpaid orders

2019.02.20 – version 2.0.0

  • Initial release
  • Product images on pick tickets
  • Enhancements to the Pick Ticket (what is displayed)
  • Auto pick digital products
  • Order Status change upon pick-complete (on/off)
  • Pick to Bin
  • 2-site license